St James Dalby - Church & Community - supporting charities
It's not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
Through the fundraising work of the Friends and the Church we give to 2 Manx charities each year
a local charity operating on the Island and a Manx charity operating overseas .
We donate 10% of all our funds raised through events to support their work .
the rest goes to our Church Restoration Fund.
a local charity operating on the Island and a Manx charity operating overseas .
We donate 10% of all our funds raised through events to support their work .
the rest goes to our Church Restoration Fund.
As a church and community we’re committed to working together,
playing together and supporting one another both in our local community and in the wider world.
We annually support :
Scripture Union IoM : working with our young people in schools across the Island. For more information visit:
Housing Matters: supporting the Homeless on the Island
The Leprosy Mission : bringing life back to those who have been abandoned by others. :
playing together and supporting one another both in our local community and in the wider world.
We annually support :
Scripture Union IoM : working with our young people in schools across the Island. For more information visit:
Housing Matters: supporting the Homeless on the Island
The Leprosy Mission : bringing life back to those who have been abandoned by others. :
Fairtrade Island / Fairtrade Church:
At Dalby we take Fairtrade seriously, with our “Fairtrade Cupboard-shop” in the Dalby schoolrooms and in the Hub Shop selling over £1400 of produce in just one year! The hard work and enthusiasm of Rosie Evans and Linda Senior , who are part of our Friends team at St James, keep the shelves stacked with a wide range of Traidcraft products, available whenever there’s a gathering or function in the church and schoolrooms. Traidcraft's unique structure - a trading company and a development charity working together - gives them a distinctive perspective on how trade can be made to work for the poor. Through regularly buying Fairtrade groceries from our cupboard-shop, the community at Dalby are helping farmers living in poverty in the developing world to have a fair price for their produce as well as improved living and working conditions...... and we get excellent coffee and tea to drink and biscuits and chocolate to snack! |
Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance. Francis of Assisi
Carol Singing for Hospice IoM : Each and every year a small group of us re-meet, whatever the weather, and armed with woolly hats and scarves , waterproofs, boots and torches, we head our way along the Dalby straight, up and down each and every farm tack , drives and gardens, to sing our little hearts out as our voices are carried by the wind to far and distant shores! The good folk at Dalby, well warned, are either out, or welcome us into their homes and reward our efforts with hot punch and mince pies ......and a generous donation to go to Hospice IoM !
This year, the first in our history, the carolling was cancelled due to storms.... but we still raised over £300 for Not singing ?!! !
Saving Stamps for Manx Bird Aid: We also act as a collecting point for the humble postage stamp throughout the year with a special promotion at Christmas to help support Manx Bird Aid: a registered charity (No. 1228) on the Isle of Man that rehabilitates sick, injured or orphaned wild birds and returns them to the wild.
A Rocha Kenya : Araboku Sokoke Forest Eco Scholarships :
Every Easter our Collection is donated to the work of A Rocha Kenya. The Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and Mida Creek support some of Africa's rarest wildlife. As the wildlife fights for survival, so do the people living around the forest and creek. The Arabuko-Sokoke Schools & Eco-Tourism Scheme (ASSETS) is a well-targeted sustainable development programme. Through the provision of secondary school scholarships, ASSETS helps to meet the economic and social needs of communities living around Arabuko-Sokoke Forest. It does this through the provision of secondary school scholarships, involving students in environmental education and practical conservation activities. The forest is the largest remnant of a dry coastal forest which originally stretched from Somalia to Mozambique and is globally recognized for its rich biodiversity. ASSETS distributes funding from ecotourism to provide bursaries to secondary school children who would otherwise be unable to afford their school fees. Instead of exploiting the forest’s natural resources to finance their children’s education, ASSETS encourages the local people to value the forest and creek and involves the beneficiaries in various conservation activities. Every donation helps give a child an education and a future. Their families thrive and the elephants survive............ Toilet twinning : Our Church loo and Hub loo have been twinned with an enclosed loo for a community in Ethiopia. We now have framed certificates along with an information poster on the hygiene benefits of better sanitation and clean water.